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Canberra Get Together

By David Poole
Category: Events


What a great event this was that Canberra corvettes had put on.

Although I got off to a rocky start, I'm glad I made the journey.

It was a great opportunity to meet other members from other clubs and an insight into what they do.

We went on two great cruises and the weather in Canberra was perfect.

I managed to gather information on next year's Nationals in Parkes, NSW, and it was great to meet the presidents from NSW, SA and VIC.

We had a great dinner and I heard some wonderful stories from other members. It was also good to see the respect our club has from other states around the country, and they were all very enthusiastic to hear about what we have done using Member Jungle as our membership system.

NSW Corvettes has now decided to move forward using Member Jungle as well.

My drive there and back was uneventful once I had changed cars.





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